Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mort Künstler pays tribute to Mosby and his men #3

By moving my viewpoint around to what is now the Alexandria Pike, I realized that I would not only get a very different angle of the Courthouse from the previous painting, but I could also get the Warren-Green Hotel int he background. I quickly called my good friend and colleague, Dr. James I. Robertson, Jr. and was delighted to learn that it was indeed a bitterly cold windy day that had turned everything white and icy. This gave me my snow scene.- Mort Künstler

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All illustrations by Mort Künstler. Text by Michael Aubrecht, Dee Brown, Henry Steele Commager, Rod Gragg, Mort Knstler, James McPherson, and James I. Robertson, Jr. - Copyright 2001-2019. All Rights Reserved. No part of the contents of this web site may be reproduced or utilized in any form by any means without written consent of the artist.